About me
My name is Gabor Gulyas and I am a Software Developer working mostly with all kinds of Microsoft technologies! I am more then happy to welcome you to my personal blog!

I have been a huge fan of computers and technology since I was a toddler. I still remember that I was sitting on my father’s lap as he was working with his Commodore 64, writing all kinds of commands in Basic.
The first time I have came in touch with the World Wide Web was around 1998-2000, I don’t really remember the exact date, but we’ve had a 56k dial-up modem at that time – that speed oh my god! Around that I have started to get familiar with programming and I was able to create my first website in HTML with notepad.
The Road to Microsoft

Back in 2010 when Microsoft released Windows Phone 7, their new operating system for smartphones, I knew I’ve had to get one of them! With my HTC HD7 device in my hands, my journey has begun with Silverlight, the .NET Framework and C#.

My first mobile application that I have developed was a public transport timetable app for Budapest, Hungary. It was a huge success for me, people loved it and it is still good to think back when I first saw someone on the street using my app.
To my surprise, this application got the attention of Microsoft Hungary too! On September 2nd, 2013 I have received an e-mail from Balint Farkas, a former Partner Business Evangelist at Microsoft that they would like to meet me in person.

In the following two years I was able to meet lots of new people from all areas of IT, make lots of new friends, take part of some exciting projects and as an intern I have held a number of presentations in different universities across Hungary.
I am really grateful for Microsoft for all the opportunities I have had there and that I could share my passion with many people during that time! From that period of my life comes my motto:
It has never been a better time to be a developer then now! With just a couple lines of code you can reach millions of people all around the world and make them achieve more!
What I do these days
Since the end of 2015 I have been working for Qualysoft Informatics as a Software Developer – celebrating my 4th year at the company at the time of writing. The company delivers modern business solutions and provides consultancy for customers in Hungary, Austria, Germany, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Switzerland.
In that 4 years I have learned a lot about Microsoft Azure and the cloud in general, built exciting solutions for the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform, switched to the open source .NET Core Framework & Visual Studio Code code editor and spent a lot of time with getting familiar with some no code solutions such as Microsoft Flow and the whole Microsoft Power Platform.
Why subscribe?

I love technology! It’s my work, my hobby, my life. And I love to talk about it!
So if you are as passionate about technology as I am, or you are interested in all kinds of Microsoft Technologies, I really look forward to see you around and hear from you in comments or in a message on any of my social network accounts!
Gabor Gulyas